Antonin Dvorak Legends Cycle for Piano Duet, Op.59Camille Saint-Saens Dance Macabre, Op.40
Camille Saint-Saens Carnival of the Animals
£12 / £8 (under 18)
Stephen Marquis piano ¦ Liz Kozlowski piano
Stephen Marquis
Stephen Marquiss is a pianist, teacher and composer and the creator of Piano Portals – Technique in the Flow Zone – a radical, holistic approach to piano technique. Stephen won a music scholarship to Wells Cathedral School at the age of 11, where he won awards and reached the finals of national and international competitions. He went onto to read Music at Cambridge and to study piano in New York with Sophia Rosoff, a pioneering teacher and former student of Abby Whiteside, one of the most original thinkers in piano pedagogy.
Frome Festival Reviewer
Stephen gives passionate performances of both his own music and the classical canon, facilitates musical workshops for children and for adults seeking greater confidence and facility in playing and trains teachers in Jolly Music – an inspirational approach to Early Years Music. In his spare time, Stephen enjoys cycling, motorcycling, yoga and photography.