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December 14th & 15th 2024

Times for weekend:
Saturday Arrival 10am – for a 10.30 start – 5pm
Sunday 10am for a 10.30 start aiming to end clearing up together and closing gathering by 5.45/6pm.

Spaces are limited to 16 so book soon! Earlybird price of £175 until November 17th (see below for more details)

A time to restore and nurture the creative, filling our resources – in good company and in these wonderful surroundings.
**This is a non – residential there are local places to stay.**
Whether you are experienced or believe you can’t draw at all, you will find yourself moving into relaxed seeing and relating to the movement and the poses of the models and in turn seeing life with a renewed sense of wonder.

This practice provides a space for opening our creativity, experimentation and expression and becoming more present with ourselves, our materials these fibres of life and each other. Together we will connect with these senses and explore the richness and vitality of what it means to be drawn by life.
You will be encouraged to rest, to pause and relax into the mark gesture movement made on to the paper and be led into the natural meditative state of presence.
You will make many, many drawings, many marks, many discoveries. You will have time to find and search and times of invitation & tuition.
This approach will encourage you to develop a fluent and rich drawing language. You will begin to cultivate a capacity to move more freely between felt presence, sensing, seeing and gesture. Open to beginner & experienced artists.

It is life drawing with a big emphasis on the LIFE, the feeling, empathy, widening our seeing, tuning into our own body to sense subtleties, dynamics, the humanity and presence that then allows us to capture the particular rhythms, the poetry the qualities of the moment.
The intimacy & vibrancy of drawing from life.
Life drawing in this way, we are centred in presence, being in the body, in the moment.
An instinctive approach, cultivating our responsiveness to express with freedom.

‘Into Winter Stillness’
Toward solstice offers a deeper journey of a life drawing retreat into quiet, into the senses, into the unknown, to re emerge and celebrate the dark & the return of the light.

It’s messy, its tender, it’s fun it can be vulnerable and can bring insight far beyond art & drawing .. your drawings will change alongside your perceptions.

All welcome from age 16 up. Open to beginner & experienced artists.

Morag Donelly is a trained/practising Artist, was honoured to work alongside and travel with Meriel Gold (taught by Cecil Collins) giving ‘Drawnhome’ courses in UK and NYC for over 15 years. Morag is a Dancer & the founding creator of Lifeline Arts & Lifesensing. She facilitated with the ‘Dancingtao’ collective, now ‘Unbound Moving Arts’.
Morag has been working with this body/presence movement – drawing practice, teaching in groups and 1-1 with children and adults for 20 years.
Her teaching is supported by her background in the healing arts, influences of a wide range of movement work and her training in therapeutic sexual psycho-somatic practices.

Sliding scale Abundant/Supporter £215/ Regular £190
(A couple of Concession spaces are offered at £160
Please get in touch to enquire)
Earlybird price of £175 until November 17th
All welcome from age 16 up

All drawing materials are included apart from Paper for w/end is £15

TO BOOK your place contact me and then please make payment either by PayPal
(Friends and family) –paypal.me/moragdonnelly
Bank transfer:
Miss M Donnelly
Ref: lifelines
Sort code – 09-01-26
Acct – 56365394

& letting me know by emailing morag@lifelinearts.com, thank you.
Fees for paper (£15) can be paid on the w/end or along with booking.

Lifelines workshop